Class Warfare

While the civil war between taxpayers and taxeaters rages on across the nation, the battle here in Wisconsin has devolved from class warfare to a war on class.           

Even the Democrat State Senators who went AWOL (the opening salvo in the war on class) have had it with the juvenile antics of their fellow unionists and entitlement cranks.  It’s pretty bad when you annoy folks who think running away is the grown-up thing to do.  

Last week a couple of moonbats bike-locked their heads to the railing in the Senate chamber and tried to shout down the pledge of allegiance.  The week before, a group dressed as Zombies inserted themselves into a ceremony honoring Special Olympians.  Classy.

The head of the state’s firefighters’ union held a press conference after the state Supreme Court upheld the legality of the Budget Repair Bill to drop an F-bomb or two and warn us taxpayers to get our “knuckles ready” for a fight.  That same day, a State Senator’s office was stink-bombed.  Very classy.

Wisconsin’s Democrat Secretary of State is delaying the publishing of the budget bill to allow local unions to sign contract extensions before it goes into effect, forcing more job cuts than necessary and pinning the cuts on Governor Walker.  And gay activists, apparently worried that they were not being obnoxious enough in the Segway era, have now taken to throwing glitter on those who disagree with them.  So classy.

A tent city called “Walkerville” has popped up on the Capitol square, and a journalist filming the activities there was accosted by a guy in a pink dress.  And what would a week of protests in Madison be without another round of death threats and profanities emailed to legislators who voted for a balanced budget.  How classy.

This one’s nice: a teacher made her children draw pictures of Governor Walker as the devil.  And over the weekend, veterans returning from the war had their homecoming marred by Walker protestors who could not stop the pity party for even one hour out of respect for those who have given up months and even years of their lives to protect our freedoms.  How very classy.

Disrupting blood drives, elementary school classrooms, Special Olympic ceremonies, veterans’ homecomings, and legislative proceedings is not what democracy looks like; it is what pathetic losers look like.  Your mommies must be so proud.

Look, Democrats, I know how much it hurts to lose elections – I’m a Libertarian, remember?  But get over it, like we do. You are losing votes in the next one with each air horn blast and profanity-laced drool.  And you are making the whole state look bad by disrupting events that have nothing to do with you and your pay.

Besides, I can’t imagine that you have persuaded a single person to come around to your way of thinking by your obnoxious and offensive behavior.  Maybe Governor Walker is the jerk you say he is, but not if we are grading on a curve – you guys got the whole d-bag honor roll sowed up.

When the Republicans cratered on Constitutional Carry, did you see us gunners out spray-painting the entrance at Bed, Bath, and Beyond?  No, you did not.  Because we are responsible adults, that’s why.  All it takes is to listen to that little voice in the back of your head that says, “don’t be a ‘hole”.  

By all means, protest and rally to your hearts content – it’s still a free country, despite your best efforts to turn it into a socialist adult day care.  Fill up Camp Randall, blow your horns, and beat your drums until your fingers bleed.

But let the people who live and work around the Square have some peace, for God’s sake.  You have been disturbing it for months now, and they have done nothing to deserve you.  And leave our returning veterans and their families alone; you do not deserve them. 

And speaking of the working class, I hope you tentwads don’t have the misguided notion that all your no-class antics are helping working people. Any business thinking of moving to Wisconsin or expanding here gets a daily reminder on YouTube of the lunacy that lurks just one election away from running the state again. 

And if you don’t think that businesspeople take things like that into account when deciding where to invest and create jobs, then you are too dumb to be carrying something as dangerous as a bike lock.

In fact, I think the legislature should pass a law that requires a permit and training to carry a bike lock, since more people locked their own heads to railings last week than shot themselves accidently with open carry.  Guns are much safer.

Give it up, already.  Walker won, Prosser won, the recount is over, the courts ruled, the budget passed, and the recalls aren’t going to mean squat.  It’s over. 

Rest up for Right To Work, because that’s the big enchilada – it will determine the economic trajectory of this state for the next 50 years.  And when the time comes, let’s fight that fight with some class.  Our kids are watching.    

“Moment Of Clarity” is a weekly commentary by Libertarian writer and speaker Tim Nerenz, Ph.D.  Visit Tim’s website to find your moment.

11 Responses to “Class Warfare”

  1. B Carson Says:

    I'm a U.S. NAVY veteran and I served on Minesweepers during the Vietnam conflict. My brother served in military intelligence on the ground in Vietnam. My cousin was a helicopter door gunner, and was killed two weeks before he was due to come home. My father served throughout the entirety of WW2, and died as a result of his service a few years later. All of my uncles served during WW2, luckily all of them came home at the conclusion of the war. My Uncle Dick piloted thirty five B-17 missions over Germany, in fact I have a copy of his diary of those missions beside me as I write this. He flew the A-26 Invader, which was later known as the B-26, upon his return to the States. My family and I made those sacrifices, put in that time, did their duty and served our country, with the thought that we were striving to uphold the Constitution and safeguard the freedoms that our forefathers won for us over 200 years ago. Now….. we have had enough of runaway government, huge deficits, and eroding individual freedoms….. and we have striven harder to elect legislators, judges, and executives that would put our State's house back in order. I applaud the efforts of these newly elected officials, and only object that they have not gone far enough to cut the size, scope and spending of our government. Thank you Mr. Nerenz for your efforts to inform, advise, and entertain. We need 300 million more American citizens that are as well grounded in the Constitution, and in the principles of limited government as you are.

  2. Rig Slip Says:

    I had a wife who would .spend about $1000 more every month than we were earning. We argued for more than a year about this until finally I gave up and left. Since I was broke I didn't have to give her half my money, instead, I gave her everything…the house, the cars, etc. Less than a year later the cars were repo'ed, the house was foreclosed on and she was forced into a sheriff's sale for her remaining belongings.I on the other hand, have a brand new truck, another house, and very soon, a brand new wife.The moral…1) Give people what they want, whether they want it or not. 2) A fool and his/her money will soon be partying.3) You can't teach sanity to the insane.

  3. Kevin Says:

    Tim Have been reading you for a few months now and I find myself agreeing with you all the time. But I am a Republican??? Must be what we used to be 40 years ago.Kevin

  4. Anonymous Says:

    I had hoped that the teachers would have stayed out longer, incoveniencing even more parents. I had hoped that the protests would continue non-stop, so that the ignorants on the street thoroughly undermine their arguments. NOt that they need much more undermining. The only thing I fear in all this, is that as their stupid protests get less and less attention, they may resort to ever more violent behavior. If that happens, I hope the capitol police stop being so nice, and protect the law abiding.

  5. Undecided Voter's Advocate Says:

    to the "we will never be quiet" anonymous (unwilling to share your name).Good. I am glad you will never be quiet. Funny thing is, Dr. Nerenz (and ALL who agree with him) are glad, too.His point isn't to "shut you up"- it is that you voice your opinion in a logical, respectable, and honorable way. Do not be deceived… "you" win no votes (or friends) with your temper tantrums. Your money-sucking, illogical, greedy ideas lost out to reality… whine about it (respectfully) but eventually you will have to suck it up and go back to work… because the rest of us will not subsidize you forever.

  6. Carol Says:

    Being one of those veterans who returned home once upon a time after defending these freedoms you allude to, I must say, I'm appalled by behavior of the leader of this mess; Gov. Walker. Our kids are watching. And what a terrible example to set to initiate such a blatant agenda benefiting an elite few, with no regard for the rest of us.

  7. Anonymous Says:

    We will never be quiet. Glad you are listening.

  8. Matt Says:

    I am reminded of my kids when they were 2-3 years old. They'd lay down and throw a fit. Unable to hear the TV, I'd go do something in the kitchen. They'd get up, follow me in there and then lay down and throw another fit. Wherever the grownups went to accomplish something, the children followed to scream and disrupt it. Who knew they were public-sector union.

  9. Anonymous Says:

    Thanks so much, Tim! I was just arguing with a liberal acquaintance of mine who doesn't think any of this stuff is wrong and hadn't heard about any of the stuff you described. I'm sharing this so he can see, yet again, the point people like us are trying to make! Keep doing what you do, you are appreciated!

  10. taraj Says:

    Thanks for saying what I have been feeling. I was seriously considering buying a downtown condo, I have no desire to do that anymore. I don't want to be within earshot of those knuckleheads. Forget it!

  11. Tim Nerenz Says:

    Even the Democrat State Senators who went AWOL (the opening salvo in the war on class) have had it with the juvenile antics of their fellow unionists and entitlement cranks. It’s pretty bad when you annoy folks who think running away is the grown-up thing to do.

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